Should Brand Matter at Wholesale in the Pet Industry?
Companies are working harder than ever today to share authentic stories to connect with those who come in contact with their products:
And what is a Brand?
I'll borrow Seth Godin's definition here because I believe it to be perfectly relevant to any company doing business today:
Brand is the product of two things:
For some the focus might be on the first half of the equation:
The quality we expect to get and how well the product functions
The service and experience we receive with interaction
The support we feel from them towards our own business
And for others, when the focus is on the latter half, we might see:
Strong consumer marketing with social engagement
Complete design package with packing that speaks on its own
A story that shares a belief system
Within the wholesale space we may personally care more about the make up of the first because they more directly affect our day to day. But, consumers care more and more about the power of the expectation; Especially for their dog and cat family members. Brands are evolving to adapt to that change, and stay relevant to their consumer audience. A retailer who knows their customers will know what Brands and stories will resonate with their own customers to generate an emotion and moves the product off the shelf.
How do we help keep a brand top of mind, and selling through?
It is our responsibility to communicate Brand at every step of the pipeline, no matter where a company may be on their Brand journey, so that retailers have the best chance at choosing products that will add value to their customers' lives.
So, does Brand matter in the wholesale space?