Buying & Selling
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Hey Brand! … Hey Retailer!
Looking for just a little extra in your B2B experience?…
Retailer, Meet Brand
Brands are making cooler than ever products for our pets & sharing stories to connect to them, but struggle to consistently communicate with retailers
Retailers want fresh products that add value for their customers & to stay in touch with their favorite brands, but find it hard to make time as their days are packed
24/7 access to important info:
And because it would make us sad to leave you retailers without product:
Seems simple enough to us…
Brands have a platform to share their story & products in a digitally effective way
Retailers have the space to learn & order when & where it works for them
Everybody wins!
Here’s how it works.
Discover the new.
Quickly and efficiently find products and learn about how they add value to retailers and consumers

Dive into the details.
Access brand and product information 24/7

Order the goods.
Quickly and easily place orders to ship through brands and distributors.
Add all products to a single cart, shifting the focus from where to what retailers want.
Organize the favs.
Save products to a wishlist as an organized catalog of favorites to come back to.
Export product info to Excel to simplify item setup or easily get pricing from a distributor.
Want to be part of a community working together to bring fresh content to the pet industry?
We can help.
We live in a complicated industry with lots of moving pieces. Pearscape helps brands communicate their stories and products directly with retailers while creating a community of likeminded people to spread positivity and learn from each other.